
Everything in space is doomed to vaporization

Black holes in space have long been considered final phenomena, bottomless pits where matter and energy disappear forever. But Stephen Hawking's revolutionary theory suggests that, in fact, they may slowly evaporate. "Novaya Nauka" writes about this.

Recently, this idea has been pushed even further by new studies that suggest that evaporation may be a common fate, not limited to black holes but extending to all objects in the Universe. In 1974 Stephen Hawking proposed that black holes will eventually evaporate through the so-called Hawking radiation. The phenomenon, which derives from quantum mechanics, involves the creation of a vapor of light particles (photons) around the extremely powerful gravitational fields of black holes near the event horizon. This leads to a gradual loss of energy, and ultimately, to the evaporation of a black hole. Recently, researchers at Radboud University in the Netherlands have proposed a radical revision of the theory, causing the scientific community to waver in its confidence. The new study suggests that Hawking radiation can be generated not only by black holes, but also by the loss of energy in all objects with sufficient mass. After all, at that time everything in the Universe will evaporate. The team's work is published in the journal Physical Review Letters.