

Bunker where seeds of all vital plants are stored


On Shpitsbergen, near Arctic regions, is World  tunnel-storehouse where are reliably stored more than 2 billion seeds of the main agricultural crops of the Earth. The world bank is capable to sustain a nuclear attack. It can keep seeds at any case, whether it be climate change, war or natural cataclysms.

It is possible to find in storehouse of 4,5 million versions of seeds from almost all countries of the world. Access to them can be received only in case of disappearance of this or that collection on the Earth.

All seeds are placed in the sealed envelopes placed in four-layer packages which are placed in the containers standing on metal regiments. The temperature is 18 degree. The permafrost allows to keep the necessary temperature in default of an electricity.

The storehouse also has an explosion-proof doors and lock chambers. To construct the storehouse was required almost 6,5 million dollars.