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Unusual Uses Of  Toothpaste  


Toothpaste are a household item that is used by almost everyone, and is known for its cleaning properties on our teeth and gums, but these toothpastes could be beneficial for us in more than one way. There are plenty of other uses for toothpaste besides promoting good oral health, So Here are creative and unusual uses for toothpaste.

Relieve irritation: Applying a drop of natural toothpaste to bug bites and sores can give immediate relief of pain and itching. Overnight use of toothpaste can work surprisingly to heal the wounds faster by drying them up.

  • Clean up your fingernails: Toothpastes is manufactured with our teeth in mind, and our teeth are made up of enamel. Thus, it could also be useful for cleaning our fingernails, as they are made up of enamel as well.
  • Use as hair gel: Gel toothpastes are made up of the same water soluble polymers as hair gels. If you you are ever out of hair gel cream, toothpaste could be a great substitute for fixing your hair styling problems.
  • Remove Scratches from CDs and DVDs: Toothpaste has been found to be quite effective in removing small scratches and smudges from discs. There has been mixed feedback about this use, however.
  • Soothe a stinging burn: For immediate relief from small burns, toothpaste can be a great option. Applying it to the area of burn can prevent the wound from weeping.
  • Deodorize baby bottles: Due to continuous use of baby milk bottles, they often have a sour milk smell. Washing them thoroughly with toothpastes can remove the smell and clean away residue.
  • Carpets could be effectively cleaned using toothpastes.