

Orthopedic surgeon and architect duo invents heels with built in 'wings' that hug arches


An ex-orthopedic surgeon and an architect claim to have discovered the holy grail of fashion footwear: high heels that are genuinely comfortable.

Dr Taryn Rose, a 47-year-old single mother-of-three based in California, already built a $40 million business with her first namesake shoe collection, and has now launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund her next chapter: 'wing shoes.'

The collection of heels are the brainchild of architect and designer Enrico Cuini, and have specially constructed carbon fiber 'wings' built into the insoles, which support and cushion all three arches of the foot; the medial, lateral and transverse - rather than just the usual one. The collection includes flip-flips and sneakers as well as classic stilettos, platform stilettos, wedges, peep-toe sandals and booties; all in a range of colors.

Prices start at $350 and run up to $1995, but donors to the Kickstarter campaign are rewarded with shoes from the line at up to a 50per cent discount. As the company builds its customer base, they aim to lower the prices where possible.