"Modern Chemistry Successes and Publications in Armenia"


On November 15, at the Scientific-Technical Library of the National Center of Innovation and Entrepreneurship was hold a discussion with the authors of new books on chemistry published in Armenia:  "Successes and Publications of Modern Chemistry in Armenia".

The aim of the event was to highlight the role of modern chemistry in scientific and technological development, quality of life, particularly healthy food, clean environment, human health, and to add the collection of scientific and technical library with new publications related to chemistry.
The event was attended by YSU Faculty of Chemistry, Armenian National Polytechnic University, Department of Chemical Technology and Environmental Engineering, Scientific and Technological Center for Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Scientific-Production Center "Haybiestechnology" Nalbandyan Institute of Chemical Physics, "Lycvor" pharmaceutical company and etc.

The event was opened by the Director of the National Center of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Gevorg Vardanyan. The event was moderated by L.  Gharibyan -head of the Scientific-Technical Library, who mentioned the importance of meeting with the authors of books. The authors have presented various publications - textbooks, dictionaries, useful books and spoke about the importance of the Scientific and Technical Library for the future generations.

During the event, discussions and exchange of thoughts and ideas took place. Despite the fact that scientists and experts do everything they can to create and maintain what has been achieved, hoping that the time will come and the chemical industry will have a significant place in the development of the country's economy.
The director of the Center Gevorg Vardanyan Certificates of appreciation handed out to the authors of the books.

The participants also got acquainted with the exhibition of scientific and technical literature of the library, some of them have become library users.