
Investors from the USA are going to finance the invention of the Physics Institute of Armenia 

On the initiative of the National Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, the State Office for Commercialization of Technologies has been established and operating in Armenia for almost 2 years.

The executive director of the National Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center, Hayk Margaryan, said that the proposal was presented to the government, and after receiving the approval of the Prime Minister, the implementation of the idea started.

"As an authorized body, the project was sent to the Ministry of Economy for approval, but it could not get to the point of approval and funding. Therefore, we decided to start the pilot program with the available forces. We included a group of about 7 people, some from the Diaspora, some from Armenia, who during these two years worked with scientists, laboratories, technology companies to collect an initial database of what potential, inventions and technologies are available in Armenia, and then make a preliminary assessment and they will contact the investors," Margaryan elaborated.

According to him, during that time, the members of the group also presented information related to intellectual property to scientists and institutes on how to protect their inventions and technologies. Within those frameworks, many seminars were organized with the inclusion of many international experts.

According to Margaryan, the head of the group is the representative of the Union of Armenian-American Scientists and Engineers.  

"This association unites 2,000 engineers and scientists from the United States, who helped us on a public basis to form the Office of Technology Commercialization. Thanks to the efforts of the Armenian professor of the University of Texas and our employees, it is planned that the first contracts will be signed at the Institute of Physics by the end of the year. There are investors from the USA who liked the inventions of the Institute of Physics, and now the texts of the contracts are being prepared," informed our interlocutor.

According to him, the invention related to photons of the Institute of Physics was brought to the attention of the American investor, and he is ready to invest in order to create the prototype. This invention is intended to be applied in the field of medicine.

The second important goal of the office is to bring interesting foreign technologies to Armenia.

Margaryan mentioned that thanks to the center, Armenia was chosen as the host country for the Mars analog simulation mission.

According to his information, the process of building a suitable base has already started in Ararat region, where about 200 international scientists and astronauts will conduct experiments and research and share their experience with Armenian scientists.

Margaryan notices a big gap in the sense that the opportunities of those international donor organizations that are ready to invest in Armenian startups are not used.

"I am a member of Angel investor clubs and I connect our startups with various investors and venture organizations. Recently, a branch of the International Chamber of Commerce, which is the largest business association in the world, was opened in Armenia. Through it, we open the window again with international donor organizations for our startups, young entrepreneurs and scientists," he added. 

Speaking about the process of informing the interested persons about their plans, the head of NDZAK said that forums for startups and young entrepreneurs are being organized for this purpose. Recently, similar events were organized in marzes: Vanadzor, Gyumri.

"We always invite international investors from Switzerland, Belgium and the USA. We want to put emphasis on diversifying our economy on the European and American markets. During the forums, investors, scientists and young entrepreneurs are given the opportunity to get to know each other and show how they can export their products to the European or American markets," said Margaryan, adding that Armenian expo booths are also opened in those markets, where participants can present their products. They have opened several temporary pavilions in Europe, although they want to make them permanent. 

At present, it has been possible to open a permanent national pavilion of Armenia in China, where Armenian products are presented. They are trying to do the same in Europe and the USA, but they lack resources, because they are doing it all by themselves.

The director of the center expressed his satisfaction that the RA Ministry of Finance, seeing the result obtained with a small resource, has expressed readiness to finance the Technology Commercialization Office from next year, which will be an incentive for international donor organizations to allocate funds as well.

"As we know, Armenia has a great heritage in terms of technologies related to science. Our vision is the knowledge-based economy, thanks to which we will be able to provide an economic leap. Emphasis should be placed on innovations and technologies," emphasized the executive director.

According to Margaryan, the RA government has allocated the necessary financial resources for the project, the purpose of which is to attract highly qualified specialists to the private companies of Armenia. Within the framework of that program, the implementing body of which is NDZAK, their salary is compensated in the amount of 20 to 70 percent.

This, according to our interlocutor, gives private companies the opportunity to include experts with international experience and education.

A program is also implemented jointly with the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports, within the framework of which grants are provided to schoolchildren who conduct preliminary research in the field of science and create inventions.

Margaryan also presented the innovative glass called "Meghrajur" created in Armenia, in which water and honey or coffee are stored hermetically and separately, saying that with the support of the center's partners, it is already in the production stage, and they even managed to export it to China.

The center also has a large scientific and technical library from Soviet times, which contains about 20 million copies of books, licenses, technology patent archives.


From first Soviet computers to Silicon Mountains: Armenia is turning into a tech powerhouse: Forbes

The prestigious American Forbes magazine has published an article about Armenia, drawing attention to the rapid development of the country's technological sector. According to the magazine, Armenia is turning into a tech powerhouse with a presence of global players and a vibrant startup ecosystem.

Author Craig Smith presents the overall economic picture of the country, noting that the technology industry is now the fastest growing sector in Armenia, surpassing the mining and agriculture sectors, which are the main drivers of the economy, by 2023.

He also notes that Armenia is also attracting foreign investment. In particular, many of the most powerful technology companies are represented in Armenia: Adobe, Microsoft, Google, IBM, Cisco, etc. As a result, the country's economy is booming. According to the forecasts of the International Monetary Fund, in 2023 Armenia will have an economic growth of 7 percent, making the country the fastest growing economy in the region.

“The future of Armenian economic development in science-based, high-margin products,” RA Minister of High-Tech Industry Robert Khachatryan told Forbes. The minister explained this approach by the fact that Armenia does not have access to the sea, and logistics costs do not allow physical goods to be exported at competitive prices.

The author, in his turn, referred to various international ratings, which represent Armenia as a developing technological center of the South Caucasus region. Forbes explains the technological rise of Armenia not only with its historical heritage as one of the main technological centers of the USSR, but also with the great potential of the Armenian diaspora.

The magazine also notes that such well-known figures as Nubar Afeyan, co-founder of the biotechnology company Moderna, Alexis Ohanian, the co-founder of Reddit, Avetis Tevanyan, the former technical director of Apple and the creator of the macOS operating system, maintain their connection with their native country. 



A Supercomputer center for AI will be created in Armenia with a budget of $8,5 million

A Supercomputer Center for Artificial Intelligence will be created in Armenia, the financing of which will amount to 3.5 billion AMD (about 8.5 million US dollars), Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly Hakob Arshakyan informs about this on his Facebook page.

He noted that the center will be the first in our region and is based on the most modern technologies.

"This program is the implementation of the priority set at the meeting between RA Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and NVIDIA founder and CEO Jensen Huang on April 21 in Yerevan.

As the deputy speaker of the National Assembly, I proposed to adopt the program of the Artificial Intelligence Supercomputer Center in the draft law on the 2024 budget, which was approved a little while ago at the Government session, and will soon be discussed in the National Assembly.

I would like to thank all those persons, scientists, entrepreneurs, government officials who participated in the preparation of the project," wrote Hakob Arshakyan.


The 7th "Armenia-Engineering Week" will bring together leading experts in engineering, science and art

Highlighting the role of engineers in society, it should be emphasized that they change the quality of our lives on a daily basis, contributing to almost every field, from healthcare to agriculture. 

 RA NA Deputy Speaker Hakob Arshakyan mentioned this at the opening ceremony of the "Armenia - Engineering Week 2023" series of events held under the title "Combining engineering, science and art".

"The 12.4 percent growth of Armenia's GDP last year was largely due to the growth of IT sector technologies and our society should know about this. Our, the state's great attention to the sector has its negative consequences, which are expressed by the attitude of the rest of the economic branches to the IT sector and, in a certain sense, also brings special attention to this problem. We have to notice their role in all our fields", emphasized the NA Vice President. 

Robert Khachatryan, Minister of Technical Education of the Republic of Armenia, noted that technologies are everywhere these days. The use of technologies, the introduction of engineering solutions in various sectors of the economy accelerates and gives a new pace to their development and advancement.   

"Armenian engineering potential has always had its significant say and contribution in all directions of engineering. Even today, I can confidently say that the new generation of our talented engineers, continuing the traditions that have already been formed in this direction, have a firm voice in this field, contributing to the development of the scientific potential of the technological sector in Armenia. The talent, energy and creative abilities of young people are one of the main conditions for the current and future success and breakthrough developments of our country. I am confident that their scientific developments based on advanced technologies will serve the progress of our country's economy," he said.  

According to the Minister, "Engineering Week 2023" will promote the exchange of experience and ideas between international and local organizations of the field, the development of intercultural cooperation, as well as provide an opportunity for young professionals to communicate with leading international and Armenian specialists of the field.

The Armenia-Engineering Week 2023 event series, organized by the Enterprise Incubator Foundation and the Engineering Association, will present the latest achievements of engineers and promote the exchange of experience and ideas between international and local representatives of the field, as well as during three days from 24-26 - formation of inter-sectoral connections. 

Bagrat Yengibaryan, director of the "Enterprise Incubator" (EIF) Foundation, emphasized that it is necessary to focus on the role that high technologies have and can have for the development of Armenia, both in terms of the economy, the military industry, and the positioning of Armenia in the world.  

"In my opinion, for the first time in the history of Armenia, the National Assembly, the Government, several ministries, the private sector and important donors are conducting consistent, united work for the development of high technologies in our country. This is a unique opportunity to be more ambitious and set bigger targets for future development. I am glad that such countries as the USA, India, France and others have also joined all of that, which also see Armenia as a high-tech country with their consistent steps. "Armenia is positioned not only as an important regional hub, but also as a global hub from the point of view of high-tech development," he said.

In Yerevan, the events kicked off at the National Gallery, where 4 panel discussions will take place on high-tech and engineering developments, their application in Armenia, and future opportunities. The first day will be concluded with the ceremony of handing over grants of the "Enterprise Incubator" fund for "Funding of research works", "Assistance of post-graduate students", YSU master's programs. 

On the second day of the event, an exhibition of engineering technologies will be presented in the Engineering City, which will allow participants to discover market developments and understand its potential. In addition to the exhibition, participants will have the opportunity to participate in panel discussions and workshops on the use of innovative technologies, cyber security and other topics.

The third day will be dedicated to the initiatives of workforce development and youth engagement at the Vanadzor Technology Center of the Enterprise Incubator Foundation. USAID-funded "Armenia Workforce Development Activities" program and IDF's "Alik" youth initiative will present their achievements, organize discussions and summarize the series of three-day intensive events. 

The partners of "Armenia-Engineering Week 2023" are the Government of Armenia, the US Agency for International Development, the World Bank and National Instruments.



B-On Biotech P › news

B-On biotech prototyping labrototyping Lab

B-On biotech prototyping lab is established with a vision of creating an ecosystem enabler that will catalyze transforming Armenia into a regional biotech hub that will unite the scientific, technology, and entrepreneurial talent from the whole region and will create ties with the international biotech community and industry, thus targeting global niche vertical applications that could leverage Armenia’s positioning in the global value chains.

B-On's mission is to facilitate and support biotech teams from Armenia in realizing their innovative ideas and advancing disruptive technologies on a global scale. By providing resources, expertise, and a conducive environment, B-On aims to empower biotech enthusiasts in the transformation journey from student to scholar with an entrepreneurial mindset.

B-On is established and powered by the Foundation for Armenian Science and Technology (FAST) in collaboration with the Government of Armenia and the Armenian National Agrarian University (ANAU) with a vision of transforming Armenia into a regional biotech hub by investing in the development of deep science and biotechnology.

B-On biotech prototyping lab is located in the territory of the Armenian National Agrarian University, the address to which is 74 Vahan Teryan Str., Yerevan, Armenia.

Supporters and Advisors

B-On is fueled by its generous donations and serves as an important platform for Armenia’s developing biotechnology industry and a catalyst for innovation. We thank those who continue to make an invaluable contribution to the advancement of the ground-breaking scientific research and commercialization projects in Armenia.

Main Supporters

The Government of the Republic of Armenia

Gateway Industry Inc.

Lab Supporters

Dr. Garabed Antranikian

eLabNext, Eppendorf Group

Dr. Hasmik Keshishian

Dr. Ashot Papoyan, Armenian Biotech Group of Boston

Ms. Zara Solakhyan, Armenian Biotech Group of Boston

Dr. Zaven Kaprielian, Armenian Biotech Group of Boston


The first domestic satellite has passed all the tests and is waiting for the flight. are discussing the vision for the next, more sophisticated satellite

The first domestic satellite named Hayasat-1, created as a result of the joint work of the Armenian "Bazumk" space research laboratory and the "Center for Scientific Innovation and Education" (CSIE), has passed all stages of testing and is ready to fly into space with the SpaceX Falcon-9 rocket. The company is now creating and preparing all the necessary conditions, tools and procedures for receiving data from the satellite in the future, processing, sending instructions and managing flight processes, and also discussing the vision of the next, more complex satellite.

"The satellite successfully passed all stages of testing. There is no chance of not going. We have made every effort to minimize the risks of satellite failure. We are preparing for receiving and processing satellite data. In parallel with this, we have started discussions on the functionality of the next, more complex satellite, in order to understand what the next program will be, what kind of corrections there will be and what new functional capabilities," said the co-founder of " Bazumq " and technical director Hayk Martirosyan. 

After the satellite was tested and repaired in Armenia, it was sent to ISSPACE center in Delft, Netherlands.  

"We moved the satellite to the Netherlands Aerospace Center (NLR) together with us and the employees of ISISPACE Center, where it was tested. Then it was moved again to ISSPACE, where the integration of the satellite with the device that pushed it out of the rocket and into orbit was performed. This operation was carried out simultaneously with the satellites of other countries. All of them will soon be attached to the Falcon-9 rocket and launched into space," Martirosyan explained. 

Now the satellite is brought to the pre-flight condition and is waiting for the flight in the special device of the rocket.

Participants of the 18th "DigiTech" exhibition held on October 13-15 had the opportunity to see how Hayasat-1 will open its antennas in space and send signals to Earth. 

"The Earth sample is a copy of the real satellite . All the programs and systems were developed and tested on it, and only then, according to the acquired experience and developed procedures, was the flight sample prepared. When the satellite is already ready for flight, a special red tab is removed from it, thus activating the mechanism of opening the satellite's antennas. Then the satellite is placed and fixed in space in a special device that pushes it out, where the clips that prevent the launch mechanism are pressed. When the Falcon 9 is already in space, the device will push the satellite out with springs, the clamps will be released, as a result of which a countdown will begin, so that after the set time has passed, the 4 antennas of Hayasat-1 will be opened one by one, and signals will be transmitted to the Earth through them.  

The "Bazumk" space research laboratory has an above-ground facility, through which it will catch the signals sent by the satellite, as soon as the satellite passes over Armenia.

With this installation, the team has already received signals from the French University of Versailles satellite and transmitted them. According to "Bazumk" co-founder Avetik Grigoryan, this is a mutually beneficial cooperation, because in the future, if they want to receive data from Hayasat-1 when it passes over France, the University of Versailles can support them.

"The space sector is of strategic importance for the country, because the latest high technologies are used in space and it is no secret that the economic market of space is also promising. I hope that Armenia will find its place in that market. There is great potential in the space sector in Armenia. There has been no activity in space until now, except for the years of the Soviet Union. We can say that the sphere starts from 0. I think that there is potential and it should be developed," Hayk Martirosyan said.

"Bazumq" and CSIE started fundraising in September, the purpose of which is both to inform the public about their project and to raise funds for further work. Fundraising is still ongoing.  

At the end of November, Hayasat-1 will be launched into space with Falcon 9. 


The FINTECH360  international conference will be held in Yerevan in October

2023 FINTECH360 international conference will be held in Yerevan on October 26-29, in which more than 150 representatives of leading banks, payment systems, fintech organizations, startups, and specialized associations from different countries will participate. Experts will discuss trends in the digital transformation of the financial sector and future technologies, as well as best practices for effectively integrating innovation into business.

The conference is held with the support of "Unibank" OJSC and the international payment system Kwikpay, at the Holiday Inn Yerevan Republic Square hotel.

The FINTECH360 program includes speeches and panel discussions on the most current topics.

Digital customer profiles. How does onboarding solve digital business problems?

Customer Loyalty Management, Banking Ecosystems and BNPL Services.

Mobile applications for brokerage services and investments.

Open Banking and Open API.

Cyber ​​Security and Personal Data Protection.

Cross-border money transfers and payments. new strategies.

How does Web 3.0 affect digital accessibility? The development of blockchain and NFT markets.

e-Commerce. Key drivers and growth prospects.

ESG and transition to green finance, climate finance.

Digital bank for SMEs.

This year, Armenia celebrates the 30th anniversary of the dram, and during the forum, participants from different countries will be presented with the history of the creation, introduction and development of the national currency.

The program of the conference traditionally includes practical and entertainment parts. The participants will have interesting trips to the sights of Armenia and, of course, tasting of national dishes. The cultural program also includes the performance of famous singer Valery Meladze at the 22nd anniversary celebration of Unibank, the main sponsor of the conference.


Vanadzor will become the center of consolidation of the Armenian IT community

Tech Week is back, bringing together the Armenian tech community again. This time the technology week will take place in Vanadzor. In previous years, technology weeks were held in Artsakh and Gyumri.

From September 29 to October 1, representatives of the Armenian technological and business community will meet in Vanadzor to combine their experience, discuss technological developments and create new opportunities for balanced regional development.

Tech Week Vanadzor is organized by Zealous, The Crowdfunding Formula and The Factory companies.

The organizers of the technology week note that the main goal of the event is the balanced and continuous development of the community, the exchange of experience, the creation of new teams and the equipping of young people with knowledge and skills. "It will create new opportunities, as well as allow us to reveal our full potential and contribute to the strengthening of Armenia.

The main directions of the event are technology, business, marketing and public relations, design."

The event will be held decentralized, simultaneously in 3 locations. The Charles Aznavour Palace of Culture of Vanadzor will be the main venue of the event, there will be a conference, speeches, panel discussions, the DevHaks hackathon is expected at the Vanadzor Technology Center (VTC), and the "Wings" ideas competition at the Vanadzor State University (VSU).

Participation is free, but you need to register in advance.

Within the framework of Tech Week Vanadzor 2023, the acceptance of applications for the DevHacks hackathon has already ended. Teams with 3-5 members will participate in the competition. A $10,000 prize awaits the first place team.

The total prize pool for the competition is currently $13,500, which may increase.


Armenia’s first indigenous satellite to be launched into orbit on SpaceX Falcon 9

The Armenian Bazoomq space research laboratory, whose mission is to create and continuously develop capabilities and opportunities for the latest space research, education and startup formation in Armenia, is working on an Armenian-made CubeSat satellite named Hayasat-1. In a conversation with "Armenpress", Bazoomq co-founder, board member and technical director Hayk Martirosyan mentioned that the testing of the satellite will be completed at the end of September and in November it will be sent into space with the SpaceX Falcon-9 rocket. "Hayasat-1, which we are creating with the Foundation for Scientific Innovation and Education (CSIE - Center for Scientific Innovation and Education), has an educational purpose. After the flight, we will get a huge amount of knowledge and experience that we can apply when sending more complex satellites into space in the future. We tried to start with the simplest, because there are many paperwork issues that Armenia is going through for the first time. Sending a satellite into space requires various approvals. Many steps are the first for our state, and imagine if Armenia will have property that is not only in our country, but also in space," Martirosyan said. The satellite weighing about one kilogram will orbit the earth once every 90 minutes. Bazoomq states that they will complete the task in front of them in 6 months, after which the launch of the satellite into space will be considered successful. "Our task is to go through all the de facto processes, whether it's collection or testing, documents, cooperation with structures. In terms of applicability, the satellite will not give much, it has no optics, no communication system. We view it as an educational tool. After 6 months, we can say that the device created in Armenia has passed its test in space and meets international standards. In the future, we can make any changes to the satellite, which can solve many problems," said the co-founder. From an extracurricular group to the creation of the first domestic satellite Bazoomq was founded by several friends. However, its foundations and roots were laid 35 years ago. 35 years ago, Avetik Grigoryan founded the AYAS space science club, which produced many graduates who currently hold various positions. According to Martirosyan, a moment came when they were sure it was time to create a space laboratory. The work of founding Bazoomq started in 2020. Since they had carried out some activity in the space field, they understood that they should go to a new level. They thought about the name for a long time, there were many options, but in the end they decided on Bazoomq, which means starburst. "The main goal of Bazoomq is to create a space ecosystem, to involve Armenian and international partners in space technologies as much as possible, to restart the development of space technologies in Armenia," said Martirosyan. Development of Armenia's space strategy Martirosyan mentioned that they start almost from scratch. During the Soviet years, Armenia made quite a large contribution to the space sector, both in terms of specialists and scientific research. The knowledge base has been saved. Martirosyan sees the potential of moving forward with steady steps. According to his conviction, it is necessary to have a powerful strategy, a strong space plan for Armenia. "We prepared a preliminary version of the strategy and submitted it as a draft to the RA Ministry of High-tech Industry. The final processing continues with the ministry," he said. The role of Bazoomq and space technologies in Armenia's security issues The co-founder of the laboratory is convinced that space technologies are of great importance for the state in matters of security. According to him, the more advanced the state's space technologies are globally, the more powerful the state is. "We want to bring space technologies to Armenia, which will be the basis for the future creation of such satellites in our country, which will be ready to solve big problems. We will be the pioneers in this work and we will lead the development of space technology behind us. We will create the ecosystem where such startups will be created that will solve big problems," said Martirosyan. Masis Kumrigyan, technical director of space programs of the CSIE Foundation, who repatriated and joined the great mission, noted that if there is a will, then the capabilities will be found. "They say from outside and inside: Armenia is a small country, its capabilities are limited, we don't need to have a lot of ambitions, we need to know our size. In fact, it is good to dream, it is important to form a will, and if you have a will, you will find abilities," said Kumrigyan. Bazoomq is currently focused on satellite. Time is short, work is many. They have plans to expand cooperation with the state in the near future. They are also preparing to start working with universities. The laboratory has a tendency to constantly move forward, develop and develop.

The World Congress of Information Technologies will take place again in Yerevan

The World Congress of Information Technologies (WCIT) is going to return to Yerevan in 2024. After the success of hosting the prestigious event in 2019, Armenia's IT sector is ready to once again demonstrate its innovation and excellence on the global stage. Building on the success of WCIT 2019 and the ongoing partnership of the Union of Advanced Technology Enterprises (UATE) with the World Information Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA), Armenia has been awarded the privilege to host the landmark event again in 2024. The theme of WCIT 2024 is "Science as a way to fulfill the promise of the digital age". This thematic focus highlights Armenia's commitment to harnessing scientific advances to embrace the full potential of the digital age. "This is another new victory for Armenia's IT industry and another opportunity to show the world what makes us a "new center". Get ready, because the new WCIT is going to be bigger, louder and better than it has ever been before," said Alexander Yesayan, president of the WCIT. We will present the details about WCIT 2024 during the upcoming press conference, about which we will provide additional information. The World Congress on IT (WCIT) is a prestigious global event organized by the World IT and Services Alliance (WITSA). WCIT brings together technology leaders, industry professionals, and government representatives from around the world to explore and shape the future of technology and its impact on society. And the World IT and Services Alliance (WITSA) is a consortium of IT industry associations from more than 80 countries around the world. WITSA represents the global ICT industry and advocates for policies that promote the growth and development of the industry


The names of the winning teams of the "Neruzh" program promoting repatriation from the diaspora are known 

The "Neruj" program promoting professional repatriation from the diaspora, which is being held for the 4th time, brought together 22 teams from 7 countries of the world under one roof this year in Dilijan. 

After a 6-day program filled with lectures, seminars, mentoring meetings, cultural visits, entertainment events, according to the decision of the committee, among the teams in the idea stage, "Propulsion Lab" took the 1st place, "Dynamica" took the 2nd place, "Dynamica" took the 3rd place. "Maestrols" won the 2nd place, and "Waveye Inc" won among the product teams, "" won the 2nd place, and "OQNI" won the 3rd place. 

In a conversation with "Armenpress", the head of the high-tech department of the RA Ministry of Education and Training, Henrik Mirzoyan, noted that the program promotes the repatriation of our compatriots living abroad in the Diaspora to Armenia and the use of their professional abilities in the Armenian high-tech ecosystem.

"We have many successful startups from previous years, some of which have a product, and some are still under development. We have many successful stories from last year as well as from "Power 2" and "Power 1". Last year we had 3 winners, all 3 of which represented the biotechnological sector," he said. 

In selecting the winners, attention was paid to the innovation component, feasibility criterion, market access opportunities and concept. There has been no particular emphasis on any sector, as they emphasize the introduction of technology in all sectors of the economy.

Mirzoyan emphasized that in addition to the financial support that companies use for developing their own product, entering the market, marketing and other costs, they also help with business establishment issues.  

"We are working consistently. We are also consistent with the investments received by the companies from various funds and investors. Their success is our success. The ultimate goal is to see these companies in unicorn status," he said.

According to Mirzoyan, the main goal of the ministry is to have high-quality startups that will achieve great success, therefore they perceive these startups as their companies and spare no effort to implement activities aimed at their development. 

Along with the continuous development of the technological field, the program is refined. According to Mirzoyan, "Neruzh" can be considered successful if the participating companies continue their work. "Neruj" program will be continuous. 

A startup can participate in the "Neruzh" program if it has a previously formed team, the founder (or at least 50% of the co-founders), has/have Armenian origin, is/are not a citizen of the Republic of Armenia (except for dual citizens), has not/have not in the last 12 months live in RA or have been repatriated within the last 6 months, is at the idea or product level, operates in one of the key branches listed on the website, has not received a grant from the RA Ministry of High-Tech Industry within the last 24 months prior to the date of application, the founder (co-founders) ) wants to establish and register a startup in Armenia and reside in Armenia for at least 1 year.

The goal of the "Neruzh" state program launched in 2018 is to promote the professional repatriation of the Diaspora, contributing to the economic progress of Armenia and the development of the startup ecosystem. The program envisages inviting teams of Armenian entrepreneurs and leading professionals living in different countries of the world to Armenia to establish and develop technology start-ups, providing them with financial, educational and consulting support.


Free Digital Art Entrepreneurship Course Launches

The ImpactAim Venture Accelerator of the United Nations Development Program and the ISTC Foundation are jointly launching a brand new market-oriented vocational program.

 The free Digital Art Entrepreneurship program is designed for young people aged 15-24 who have received or are receiving professional education in the field of art. Classes will start on August 7.

According to the organizers, the program will develop the entrepreneurial and digital art skills of the participants by introducing them to leading Armenian digital art companies and experts.

Developed through project-based learning, the program will provide participants with real-world challenges provided by existing businesses.

"The masterclasses will be conducted by the best mentors in the field with deep professional knowledge, NFT Art (platforms, business model, tips for success), Freelance Platforms (platforms, profiling, business model, tips for success), Generative AI (DALL- E 2, WOMBO, Open AI, etc.), game design elements (game design stages, genres, MVP, sales, pricing), game art. 2D modeling (character design, stage design, UI/UX + Adobe Illustrator), game art. 3D modeling (character design, stage design + Maya) topics," the message reads. 


Armenia introduces Generation AI program in schools to help children become top professionals in future career

Students at several schools across Armenia will have the chance to study the compelling world of artificial intelligence through Generation AI - an initiative of the Foundation for Armenian Science and Technology (FAST) designed in partnership with the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, and Sports.

Generation AI is a multi-stage program that starts at the school level. It will be integrated into the public education system to ensure sustainability and support systematic change. 

Generation AI is aimed at fostering a new generation of AI researchers equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in an AI-driven world.

Susanna Azatyan, the Head of the Division of Development and Implementation of General and Extracurricular Programs at the Department of Public Education in the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports tells ARMENPRESS that they welcome the implementation of such programs because it will contribute to school students making the right career choice. She said that the Armenian labor market needs the professional resource of AI.

“It is planned to test the program in two levels. Level one will start from the 10th grade and will be aimed at developing a group of students with mathematical and algorithmic mentality who will obtain the necessary skills and will receive professional orientation for choosing their future educational path. The pilot stage will be launched in September of 2023. Level two will start from the second semester of 11th grade and will enable students to obtain advanced theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in AI. We plan to launch the pilot program of Level 2 from January of 2023 in high schools of Tavush province as part of the ministry’s crediting system of secondary education,” Azatyan said.

Azatyan added that this program is in line with the targets of the 2022-2026 action plan of the education reforms.

Meanwhile, FAST Educational Programs Lead Anush Ayvazyan said Generation AI is still under development and the program envisages the improvement of the quality of general mathematical skills in the 10-12th grades, improvement of programming and computer science education, which are the preconditions for learning AI and choosing a profession.

“It’s important that students understand AI’s essence and what an AI researcher does at the school level. Tutors will be trained and after finalizing all these components the program will be tested in 10 schools starting September 2023,” Ayvazyan said.

Ayvazyan highlighted that AI education must begin at the school level in order for students to have the chance of becoming globally leading, competitive specialists in their future careers given the fact that AI is one of the most rapidly developing directions in the world. She said there are various flaws in the school level which eventually lead to deeper problems when the students should become professionals.

“That’s why our program is starting at the school level, we are mainly emphasizing the skills which are the preconditions – math and programming. Then, the children who will be able to do more will be offered an advanced AI direction in the 12th grade.”

After building this foundation, the students who will display motivation and the skills in AI will be guided into the sector. Aside from changing the teaching methodology, the program will also involve professionals from the AI industry and academia as tutors in a hybrid format.

Ayvazyan noted that there’s been much interest for the program by both private and public schools. The FAST Educational Programs Lead highlighted the fact that Generation AI is a state program, and it will be an approved national curriculum instead of an extracurricular group.

“And overall this program is based on collaborations. We don’t seek to repeat or develop something entirely again, if there are organizations specializing in various components we cooperate with them, for example AYB, COAF, Teach for Armenia. Our desires and plans have matched with many of them and we already have preliminary agreements,” Anush Ayvazyan said.



From startups to techno-education and science, and Armenia is the center of Mars research. "DigiTech 22" is already history

 The reporting event of the year brought together the start-up and leading companies of the technological sector under one platform. More than 120 companies, 30 speakers from 9 countries and 2000 registered visitors participated in the 17th Digitech. This year's techno exhibition was the largest in its history with an area of ​​2000 square meters. Simultaneous conferences and panel discussions, distinct zones: the exhibition area itself, startups, educational organizations and projects, green technology zone, sponsors' section. 

According to "Armenpress", the largest technological event of the region was attended by both start-up and experienced companies from different countries: Iran, Georgia, Russia. How will DigiTec22 be remembered, what were the most interesting events and what to expect after the end of the techno event? 

During the conference, representatives of various countries took part in panel discussions, discussing the experience of their country and comparing it with the applicability in the technological field in Armenia.  

RA Minister of Economy Vahan Kerobyan spoke about problems in Armenia and plans to solve them, mentioning a number of programs that should make both state and private companies "digi" as much as possible in the near future, and Yerevan, one of the main technological centers of the region or the world. 

DigiTech22 featured the most exciting new startups and established businesses, from banking to crypto, from restaurant solutions to mechanical engineering, from AI painting to anti-hail systems. 

ZEVIT, a data management company in the field of green energy, was presented with a separate booth. The company mainly works with wind energy companies. They aim to make green energy more affordable. 

Aram Manukyan, the founder of the Sceyt company, also mentioned that the company he founded in 2020 is engaged in providing services in the field of communication. The company provides an opportunity to integrate multi-functional chat in existing applications within minutes, which will allow exchanging messages, audio, video files between users of the given application. 

The EU-funded project "Cooperation of the Capitals of Yerevan, Warsaw, Tirana on the Common Challenges of Hazardous Waste Management" presented the principles of waste prevention and management expressed in the concept of 5R (elimination, reuse, recycling, recovery, final waste management) at the exhibition.

And in 2024, Armenia will become the center of Mars research. Astronauts from Germany, Austria, Israel, Italy and Great Britain will arrive in Armenia. Space experiments will be conducted in preparation for Mars research missions. 

"AMADEE-24", the organizational team representing the Austrian Space Forum in Armenia, was also presented to "DigiTech" for the first time. According to the organizers, the forum will be presented in 2024 under the title "From Garni (RA) to Garni (Mars)". The simulation of the AMADEE-24 analogue of the flight to Mars is for scientific research purposes. These flight tests occur every two years. To carry out the mission, a country is chosen, where a crew of six supposed astronauts participates in the flight to Mars and the test of landing on it.

The most creative technology center in Armenia also had news. Together with the European Union, TUMO will build a complex of engineering and applied knowledge. 

Ohanian Educational Complex was also represented at the booth, where, in addition to basic school subjects, robotics and engineering subjects are also taught, within the scope of which children assemble and program robots. 

A major part of the program was robotics and automation. Many projects of Armat engineering workshop were presented. from drones to robots and earthquake-resistant building and cantilever bridge design. 

"Our earthquake-resistant building will not collapse during an earthquake. The third floor is built against the rest of the floors, which ensures the earthquake resistance of the building. We made the project in 3 days, it also passed tests," the authors of the project, Karine Ghazaryan and Rita Amiryan, presented. 

The first "graduate-startup" of Armat, ProtoLab created in Noyemberyan city, was also presented at DigiTech.

"We offer companies their individual, unique office supplies. Whatever people imagine, we can make it happen. Apart from all this, we are also working on a separate startup product," said Mane Poghosyan from ProtoLab.  

More than 10 scientific pavilions were gathered around the Science Power initiative, the goal of which is the popularization of science. Scientists mentioned that it is the first time that they are present at "DigiTech" with such a number of booths.

It is noteworthy that not only Armenian, but also Georgian startups, which presented a number of SaaS products, Russian startups offering solutions from AI to machine tool construction, as well as Iranian startups - "Union of Iranian Companies Global Innovation Center" - had booths this year. from someone. the latter has been a member of the National Union of Trade Unions since 2022.

"Union of Iranian Companies Global Innovation Center" presented the activities and products of its member companies during DigiTech. One of the organizers mentioned that about 10 companies represented by the center have prospects of finding new cooperation edges in Armenia.

This year, "DigiTech" had the theme "Ambitious Tech: Confronting Open Economies in the World's Growing Presence." 

"In the modern world, technologies are one of the most important tools for ensuring confrontation, and starting this year, Armenia should position itself, DigiTech, in particular, should position itself as a place and the conference as an event where small countries of the world discuss the problems they face," he said. Hayk Chobanyan, the executive director of ATZM. 

Meetings over coffee with representatives of the technosphere, " Investors' Day " with the discussion of important topics of the sphere, memorandums of cooperation in the " state - companies " format and not only , networking at the Sports Concert .



The ‘Doing Digital’ Forum brings the cutting-edge trends and best practices in digital transformation to Armenia

The first "Doing Digital - Exploring Digital Future" Forum will be held in Yerevan on April 5. The Forum’s founder and organizer is SPRING PR Company, co-organizer - Ameriabank. The “Doing Digital” Forum aims to explore the latest trends and best experience in digital transformation and establish Armenia as a leading digital hub and enhance the country's competitiveness. The event’s innovation partner is Visa, investment partner - Apricot Capital.

The event features Chris Skinner as a keynote speaker, a renowned global expert in fintech and digital transformation. He is the founder of the financial services consultancy firm The Finanser Ltd. and the author of several books on financial technology and banking, including "Digital Human", "Digital Bank", "The Future of Banking", and "ValueWeb".

Skinner is a frequent keynote speaker at industry conferences and events, where he shares his insights on the latest developments in fintech and the future of digital transformation. The Doing Digital forum provides a unique opportunity to host him in Armenia.

The Forum will bring together government officials and professionals from various industries, including finance, banking, telecommunications, and technology.

15+ top speakers from Armenian and international entities, such as Singapore University of Social Sciences, Forbes, Visa, Apricot Capital, Revytech, Hexens, Beta Financial Technologies, ICDT Global, as well as RA Government, SPRING PR Company and Ameriabank, will share their insights on digital business and technology through keynote speeches, panel discussions, and visionary speeches.

The upcoming event will focus on how digital transformation fosters business growth and innovation. Participants will explore strategies for adopting new technologies and gaining a competitive edge and best practices for data protection and cyber security risk management. The forum's esteemed speakers and panelists will also delve into the latest trends in cryptocurrencies, the Metaverse, and NFTs, examining their potential benefits and associated risks.

The event is open to all interested in digital transformation, including business leaders, IT professionals, entrepreneurs, startups, investors, government officials, PR, marketing, and sales executives.

SPRING PR is an award-winning PR and research company founded in 2009 specializing in strategic communications, reputation management, events organization, and research. The company cooperates with a number of local and international large, medium, and small enterprises, state institutions, non-governmental and charitable organizations.

SPRING PR is a part of the global PR community, with professional involvement in such reputable international organizations as the International Public Relations Association (IPRA) and the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR).

Over the years, SPRING PR and its team have received top awards and recognition, including C4F Davos Awards (Communication for Future Davos Awards), IPRA Golden World Awards, and Eventiada IPRA Golden World Awards. In 2021 for the first time in the history of Armenian PR companies, SPRING PR was announced among the winners of “The IPRA Golden World Awards – 2021,” considered the field’s Oscar. SPRING PR co-founders Nvard Melkonyan and Tatevik Simonyan were named the “Global PR Leader of the year” at the exchange4media PR & Corp Comm Women Achievers Summit and Awards 2022 and were included in the global list of 50 Influential Communications Leaders 2022.

***Ameriabank is a leading financial and technology company in Armenia, a major contributor to the Armenian economy, with assets exceeding AMD 1 trillion. In the course of digital transformation, it has launched a number of innovative solutions and platforms going beyond the banking-only needs of its diverse customer base, thus creating a dynamically evolving financial technology space.

Ameria was the first in Armenia to create ecosystems for businesses and individuals, giving one-window access to a range of banking and non-banking services, including

As a truly customer-centric company, Ameria aims to be a trusted and secure financial technology space with seamless solutions to improve the quality of life.


Armenian MetaGait enables soldiers and children with cerebral palsy to walk and live healthy

"MetaGait" is the world's first remote rehabilitation device, which was created in Armenia, for disabled Armenian soldiers and children with cerebral palsy.

It prevents more than 30 diseases caused by not walking, some of them even fatal. The device simulates a step. Sometimes the step is restored.

The authors of the project note that 350 out of 9,000 disabled Armenian soldiers move around in wheelchairs, 125 are in serious condition. Not walking causes 30+ diseases, some of them fatal. MetaGait prevents them.

As a result of not walking, diseases such as bedsores, degenerative changes in the cardiovascular system, orthostatic hypotension, venous stasis, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, and the like can occur.

MetaGait is the world's first telerehabilitation device equipped with virtual reality.

MetaGait was created in Armenia for disabled Armenian soldiers and is patented in 156 countries around the world.

The device enables remote rehabilitation through sensors, creates a virtual environment, constantly adapting to the patient, forms new neural connections in the brain, activating muscle memory, the data of the patient's steps, distance traveled and calories spent are transmitted to the doctor through the sensor.

After the Four-Day War, in 2016, kinesist Davit Arsenyan actively started working with wounded soldiers, simultaneously developing the initial version of the "MetaGait" device. After founding the "KailTech" company, David and his team concentrated all their potential for years to find a worthy solution to the problem of our fighters.

All tests recorded positive results.

This innovative solution has also registered positive results in the development of walking in children with cerebral palsy, head and spinal cord injuries.

Children move all the components of the device with just one hand, simultaneously moving all parts of the body.

A few important questions about the device.


How does MetaGait help improve health?

Has a dynamic effect on the locomotor system,

reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis,

stimulates the respiratory system,

improves blood circulation

prevents urinary tract infections,

prevents limitation and degeneration of tendons, joints,

improves psychological and emotional state.


How is MetaGait managed?

It is controlled by angle sensors, control panels and Oculus Quest 2 device designed by "KailTech" company.


Is MetaGait an innovation in global medicine?

Yes, because through it, remote neurorehabilitation is carried out, giving the opportunity to count and record the patient's steps, distance traveled and calories spent.

It makes it possible to combine treatment with games, creating teams between players, contributing to the recovery of nerve centers, the formation of new centers and neuronal connections.


How do virtual games help the healing process?

Provides interesting entertainment during training.

Through virtual games, it activates the brain's muscle memory, restores nerve centers and forms new neural connections.

The scenes and terrain of the games are adapted depending on which muscle the patient needs to develop.

Games provide an opportunity to see the sights of Armenia.


What games are available with VR glasses?

"MetaGait" skis

The game is intended for adults and children. It is an extreme sport, through which game rehabilitation therapy is carried out due to the extreme emotions of the patient.

Cyber ​​tourism

Our various cultural places are presented here, where the patient has the opportunity to take a walk, familiarize himself with the environment and take a virtual tour.


"MetaGait" also enables walking.

For example, Davit Melikbekyan is already walking.

David was wounded on December 2, 2019, during combat operations, in the city of Martakert, as a result of which he acquired a disability of the 1st degree, but since May 2021, he received his walking device, the prototype of the "MetaGait" device, and constantly uses it. , after 8 months he was able to take the first steps.

Seyran Soghoyan, a participant of the 44-day war, also received his "MetaGait".

To the question of how he sees himself in the future, Seyran answered:

- I like my present. And I create my future by living in the present.

The second "MetaGait" was handed over to Norayr Avagyan, a participant in the four-day war.

Norayr sees himself in the future as healthy, engaged in painting and making wood-carved items.

"From today I will practice very intensively. Together with the other boys, we will train regularly."

The cost of "MetaGait" is 3,000,000 drams, but David and his team are ready to produce the devices at their own cost for the sake of the health of our soldiers and children. At the moment, the fundraising for the production of the device continues on the reArmenia platform.  Manufacturing, transportation and ongoing maintenance costs are also included.

Sirarpi Aghababyan



Armenia's technology sector will have its new branding

The presentation of Armenia's new technological branding will take place at the largest IT industry exhibition "DigiTech" to be held in March 2023. 

According to " Armenpress", Hayk Chobanyan, executive director of the union, said this at the press conference of the beginning of the year, adding that after presenting the new branding of the IT sector, the ITSU plans to carry out large-scale public awareness activities.

"2022 we have started quite extensive work on the design of technology branding. In the last 5 years, quite a lot of changes have been made in the field, and we need a new branding, to present ourselves to the world in a new way," said Chobanyan.

Branding will include the messages of the RA technology sector to the world, which will allow stakeholders and decision-makers around the world to form a clearer approach to Armenia's potential and opportunities.

Chobanyan also emphasized that their goal is to raise the reputation of the sector in RA both inside the country and outside its borders. According to Chobanyan, consolidation of the sector and dissemination of national values ​​is one of the tasks before them, and every program created and implemented by the union has a national component.

Coaching is introduced in education in Armenia

The Armenian branch of the International Coaching Federation (ICF-Armenia) jointly with the "Children of Armenia" Foundation (COAF) implements a program, the purpose of which is to introduce coaching into education.

As "Armenpress" was informed by ICF-Armenia, the programmers and program coordinators of COAF SMART Center are being trained at this stage. They learn about the specifics of coaching and how to apply it in education.

"In this sense, coaching has a large toolkit. Teachers learn to master open and powerful questions. Thus, they contribute to the awareness and activity of students. And they become skilled in the ability to listen to the student, to accept the opinion, as well as to form a team.

The goal of the project is to change the quality and methods of education through the introduction of coaching technologies and skills, which is aimed at making the teaching methods more student-centered, creative, interesting and motivating," the message says.

According to the source, the program is conducted by trainers who are members of ICF Armenia.

As ICF President Nana Hovhannisyan notes, the shortest path to real and sustainable changes is education itself.


An AI-code battle will be held in Armenia, during which new solutions will be developed  using AI-powered tools

Within the framework of the "Workforce Development in Armenia" program, in order to develop the innovative thinking and abilities of young people, a new competition, AI-code battle, will be held, during which new solutions will be developed using artificial intelligence tools.

"The competition will give the participants an opportunity to develop interesting projects or their demo versions, compete with each other and receive monetary rewards, using various tools working with artificial intelligence," Lusine Ghukasyan, deputy head of the "Workforce Development in Armenia" program, said in a conversation with Armenpress.

According to him, artificial intelligence is a part of young people's life and work. Through the competition, they try to encourage young people to be interested in tools, to understand their applications in various fields. 

"The primary goal of the competition is to generate interest in the effective use of artificial intelligence among young people, so that young people are interested and understand what tools are available and how they can use these tools to make their work more effective. The second goal is to find interesting ideas, young people who want to advance their idea in any way and turn it into a business product at some stage. The program is ready to support, mentor, give additional skills so that these young people can advance their idea," said Ghukasyna.

The "Enterprise Incubator" Foundation, funded by the USAID, implements the "Workforce Development in Armenia" program in all regions of Armenia, the goal of which is to provide young people aged 19-29 with various educational opportunities such knowledge and skills as to become more competitive in the market, find a new job, or make a certain progress in their work. The AI-code battle was announced within the framework of the "Workforce Development in Armenia" program.

"Young people who have participated in any course held within the framework of the "Workforce Development in Armenia" program or who have formed a team with the participation of the latter (at least 1 person) can participate in the competition. The program has been implemented for 2 years, the number of beneficiaries exceeds 2,000," Ghukasyan said.

Contestants will have the opportunity to learn about various AI tools, learn how to apply them to various projects, and develop interesting projects / demos for use in IT, agriculture, hospitality and other industries.

"We also emphasize the use of artificial intelligence in education. We are sure that the quality and efficiency of education will increase with the help of artificial intelligence. It is interesting to understand how young people think and how they will use artificial intelligence when creating any educational project or model," Ghukasyan said. 

The prize fund of each category is 500,000 drams. They have 3 nominations: for a project created with creative use of artificial intelligence tools, for a project created with large-scale use of artificial intelligence tools, and for an educational project/model with effective use of artificial intelligence tools.

He noted that the applications received show that the ideas range widely, from simple websites to video editing tools. They are waiting for new ideas, considering that the interest in the competition is more than their expectations. 

According to him, as in the whole world, as well as in Armenia, there is the idea of ​​limited use of artificial intelligence, that is, everyone looks at it as a tool that does something, but it is necessary to understand its wide application. 

Whether the competition will be continuous or not, Ghukasyan found it difficult to answer, stressing that it is not clear to them how technologies and artificial intelligence tools will develop in a year. Maybe next year holding the competition will be pointless. 

The competition is implemented by the "Enterprise Incubator" Foundation with funding from the US Agency for International Development.