For definition of publishing activity and citatrion of the native scientists (including those engaged in scientific activity abroad), scientific personnel and organizations RA, the National Centre of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (NCIE) have done bibliometric researches of the international abstract DB SCOPUS and Web of Knowledge (Thomson Reuters).
As a result of these researches following sections were generated: physics, chemistry, biology, geology, mathematics, medicine, computer sciences, anthropology and archeology, a science about plants, agriculture, economy, engineering.
It is necessary to notice, that data of researches of DB SCOPUS have found in our base during the period since December 2010 till February 2011, and DB Web of Knowledge (Thomson Reuters) during the periods: November 2012, February - March, August, October - November, 2013, and April - May, 2014.
So You may pay attention to the generated database «Bibliometric indicators of the Armenian scientists» in which scientists with h - an index 1 and more (index Hirscha) have entered.