

The sky in diamonds: the planet covered with valuable stones is found

The real treasure found astrophysics of Yale university (USA) and university of Toulouse (France). They found huge deposits of diamonds.

However to use wealth soon it will not be possible. The matter is that diamonds covered a star surface “55 Cancers” in Cancer constellation. She can be seen from Earth an unaided look, however only this week scientists found diamonds on its surface.
The planet radius, by rough estimates of scientists, twice exceeds Earth radius, and the weight exceeds terrestrial in eight times. The temperature on a surface of a planet reaches 1 648 thousand degrees on Celsius, and day makes 18 terrestrial hours. At least a third of weight of a planet, scientists believe, makes carbon in a cubic allotropny form, that is diamond.
Diamond planet separate from the earth of 40 light years - 378 trillion 431 903 million 200 thousand km.