Dates, events, facts


Armenian confectionery factory Grand Candy on the occasion of 10 th anniversary of its activity has established a world record, having made the greatest bar of chocolate, the weight of which was 4, 41 tons, which has been brought in the Book of Guinness. The chocolate was produced within 4 days, its length makes 5,6 m, width - 2,75 m, and height 25.


30gram of a milk chocolate contains about 140 Kcal.


Chocolate contains substances from group of  flavonoids. Similar components are in red wine, grapes, and some other products. They are extremely useful to heart and vessels.



In 1200-1000 B.C. people of Central America drank «chocolate beer» which was made of rewandering fruits of cocoa.


 Chocolate contains theobromine, which is strong toxin for many animals. The  horses and parrots are also sensitive to this substance. The theobromin in chocolate has given it the second name «food of gods»


July 11 is  the World day of chocolate (World Chocolate Day). Day of chocolate has been thought up for the first time by Frenchmen in 1995.


 In USA it is impossible to buy chocolate egg As to the acting Law its  forbids to put inedible subjects in a foodstuff.


The Japanese pupils before their examinations eat a chocolate Kit Kat which means to win.