Dates, events, facts

Austrian Adam Rajner – the unique person known as both the dwarf, and a giant. At 21 his growth was 118 cm, but later he began strongly to grow and  at 32 years old has reached to 218 cm.  Because of these infringements he lived chained to a bed and has died at the age of 51 and his  growth was 234 cm.


Prisoners of the Bastille were not only people. Once was imprisoned the Encyclopedia of sciences, arts, crafts or the practical dictionary ”, made by the writer, the philosopher, educator Diderot and the mathematician, the mechanic,  d'Alembert “. The book have accused that it harms to religion and public morals.


The most part of the Earth – 3.6 billion from 5.2 billion hectares has turned to desert. 1 billion population of the Earth lives in 100 countries in deserts.


Scotish scientists have come to an unexpected conclusion: daily cleaning of a teeth (in the morning and in the evening) reduces risk for cardiovascular diseases on 70 %.