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Who has thought up sugar cotton wool 

Sugar cotton wool — one of the most popular sweets all over the world. In America it have nicknamed — «cotton sweet» (сotton candy), in England — «a magic silk thread» (fairу floss), in Germany — «a sugar wool» (Zuckerwolle), In Italy — «a sugar yarn» (zucchero filato), in France — «a beard of the grandfather» (barbe a papa).

Despite the legends, that sweets similar to sugar cotton wool were made in ancient Rome, but were extremely expensive because of complexity of the manufacture, and there isn't any proof to it. But it is documentary confirmed, that a date of birth of sugar cotton wool is 1893. This year William Morrison (William Morrison) and John Uorton (John C. Wharton) have invented the car for preparation of sugar cotton wool.

For acquaintance of public with the new goods, inventors have chosen a trading exhibition of 1904 in Louisiana (1904 Louisiana Purchase Exposition), differently known as World to fair in Saint Louis (1904 St. Louis World’s Fair) in which materials it has been fixed, that Electric Candy Company has earned $17164 having sold 68655 boxes with sugar cotton wool (370 boxes per every day of an exhibition) at the price of 25 cents.