

Pill camera provides an alternative to colonoscopy 


If you’re the type who’s averse to colonoscopies, there’s new technology in town to check the colon for pre-cancerous polyps or malignant tumours. All you have to do is swallow a disposable camera that’s embedded in a jelly-bean sized pill.

Several hours later, a doctor can view the panoramic images produced by cameras at both sides of the capsule. The device is said to be endowed with “artificial intelligence” because of its sensory perception and the way it knows how to conserve energy until it starts transmitting relevant images at pertinent times.

The PillCam Colon 2, as it’s called, offers a few advantages over colonoscopies: no sedation and no need for air to be pumped into the bowel. But it’s plenty expensive ($800) and not yet an insured benefit of the public health insurance plan. Colonoscopies, in which a flexible tube called a colonoscope is inserted through the rectum, costs the system about $250 for doctor’s fees in addition to about an equal amount in hospital overhead costs which are paid by health authorities.

If the digestible camera does detect polyps or other problems, a conventional colonoscopy to remove the lesions still has to be done but those costs would be covered in the public system.

Both methods require a clear diet the day before and bowel preparation laxatives to ensure the colon is absolutely clear.