
In Russia created artificial intelligence, which has no analogues in the world


Russia has invented a new artificial intelligence, which has no analogues in the world. He is able to control cars and planes. This was told by one of the developers of the program, the doctor of technical Sciences, Professor, Moscow state automobile and road technical University (MADI) Oleg Varlamov. Artificial intelligence is a marketing term that until recently, not quite correctly reflect the essence of technology. To create it, humanity is only suitable now. Thus, artificial intelligence will have the opportunity to make independent decisions in emergency situations, which until now was not available to him. This will give the opportunity to create in Russia the search engine which is much better than the existing global search engines. In the framework of its development has already launched the project of understanding natural language, not a set of words, and speech. While a robot may not participate in the conversation, continuing the chain of logic. But the new intelligence this has all the makings.

While the program is not capable of emotions, but in the future it will become a reality, as well as the training of its female logic elements, which, according to scientists, more complex than men’s. The highest level of this teachable knowledge base will be the skill to joke like a man. After all, the joke contains several meanings.