
Scientists have developed a glove to grip objects under water

A research team led by Virginia Tech have developed a glove capable of securely gripping objects underwater, inspired by the octopus. If you try to grab an object underwater, you will find that it is not so easy to do it. However, in the course of evolution, octopuses have learned to quickly and reliably capture a wide variety of objects. This is achieved by using suction cups and a variety of mechanical and chemical sensors. Virginia Tech scientists have taken note of this cephalopod ability and developed a gripping glove that accurately mimics the nerves and muscles of an octopus.
The glove was named Octa-glove. Its design is based on rubber feet equipped with soft membranes.
Thanks to them, the glove can "stick" to objects of various shapes in the aquatic environment. And through the use of micro-LIDAR optical sensors, the system is able to detect objects in the immediate vicinity.