

Scientists have started to read thoughts of people 


Scientists from university of Utah have learnt to decipher signals of a brain of the person, translating them in usual words. During their research the scientists "have predicted" the words which the person have reproduced. During some tests “reading of thoughts” the result gave 90 %. The scientists have implanted on the surface of people's brain suffering of an epilepsy, two grids on the speech centres of the brain with 16 microelectrodes.

The scientists have written down signals of a brain at the moment of pronouncing by the patient 10 words: yes, no, hotly, coldly, hunger, thirst hello good-bye, more, is less. At present quality of understanding is not too high, however researchers are assured of possibility of improvement of technology and practical introduction of the invention.

According to the scientists, the method is perspective for the people who have lost possibility to speak. When the patient began to speak 10 words with use of all, accuracy of the method has decreased to 28 %.