


Biologically Active Supplements



Hagenas Company was founded in 1999 in Artashat town with the main aim of using modern technologies to get biologically active food supplements from medical plants growing in Armenia. During 9 years of work the company has succeeded in creating a series of high-quality preparations such as Apricotabs, the first Armenian preparation having passed the strict control of registration agencies of the USA and Russia; it has even been subjected to anti-stimulant control, a direct proof of the high effectiveness of the products.

The basis of “Hagenas’s” product development is the centuries-old experience of Armenian traditional medicine. The company pursues the principle of preserving the nature-given balance of the natural vitamins, microelements, amino acids and natural antioxidants in its products. Researches conducted by scientists have proved that only this type of products are necessary for the prophylaxis of several diseases, for raising the organism resistance against unfavorable effect of the environment and for the improvement of the vital functions of the organism. Their task is to help people be protected from stress, strengthen their health, prevent diseases and slow down the aging process of the organism. The use of the products will also help accelerate the processes of restoration. The product is designed for preserving health, cleansing the organism from the excess of harmful substances and for the regulation of the balance among vitamins, fats and proteins. With the application of nontoxic, clean carbonic acids and with the help of supercritical extraction a method was developed to produce extracts and oils from medical plants gathered from ecologically clean regions of Armenia. In 1999, after five years of persistent work and numerous experiments the company succeeded in producing the first oil extracts from the seeds of sea-buckthorn in which all the vitamins, microelements, amino acids and all other useful substances supportive of its medical effect were preserved.
In the process of work continuous improvement of the production technologies was made and new methods of producing highly-effective product were worked out. As a result of researches the company worked out a unique method of the producing fresh apricot powder, which can be preserved during three years without changing its nutritional and medical properties. Currently the priority of “Hagenas” to this technology is recognized in 78 countries in the world and the method of producing the powder is under the protection of the Eurasian patent (Patent #006166).    
The product of “Hagenas” is exclusive and is certificated at the request of international standards. The product has a certificate (# 2199/258 since 05.21.04)corresponding to the GMP equipments (proper to production practice). The quality control of raw material and the final product as well as the examination of storage time of the ready product is conducted in “Exlab,” an expert-analytical laboratory which has an ISO 9001:2000 certificate in the sphere of laboratory testing of the quality control of medicine, medical plants and nutritional products (cer-tificate #CH03/1091 Société Général de Surveillance, SGS, Switzerland). 
 “Hagenas’s” product is registered in the USA, Russia, and Georgia and in many other countries. As high-quality raw material to produce restorative and cleansing preparations, as well as nutritional and cosmetic creams, concentrated extracts of “Hagenas” are used by well-known pharmaceutical factories in Russia, the Ukraine and China.
Armenian government has granted “Hagenas” a special medal for the high quality of the product made from Armenian apricot. The company has permanently presented Armenia in all recent international agricultural exhibitions such as EXPO 2006 (Dubai), Inter Food 2006 (Georgia), Food Industry 2006, EXPO 2007 Armenia, Expo 07 (Canada) etc.
The main achivement is the natural food suppliment Apricotabs made from Armenian apricot which caused great interest at Expo 2007 recently held in Canada. Apricotabs are a concentrate of fresh apricots, which is received without any chemical or thermal processing, thanks to which all useful substances contained in apricot are preserved.
Studies conducted by the laboratory showed that a tablet of Apricotabs is equal to 8 fresh apricots by its content.
This food suppliment is rich in iron, pottessium and natural antioxidants and is recomended for pregnant women and people suffering from cardiovascular diseases and anemia. Recent tests showed that Apricotabs increase ability to work and remove fatique after a phisical and mental overstrain.
This supplement is officially registered in Russia where it attracted interest of sports Commitee and power structures.