

The Scandinavian scientists found communication between loss of teeth and memory impairment

273 persons took part in the research which was carried out by the Stockholm university, and Institute of clinical stomatology aged from 55 till 80 years. At each participant of experiment was absent about a third of own teeth, thus 70 percent from them were made by painters.

During research it was revealed that the number of natural chewing teeth is connected with quality of performance by participants of experiment of tests for incidental memory. Those from them who kept the majority of the teeth in a mouth, showed on the average for four percent the best results, than at whom they were absent. Thus researchers considered also age and sexual distinctions of participants of experiment, the general condition of their health, an education level and the social and economic status.

According to the scientists, the found communication can be explained to that at a chewing of food there is a stimulation of department of the brain tied with memory.

Along with it scientists note that process of chewing improves blood supply of a brain and increases activity of its separate areas. Besides, experts note that memory impairment can speak a certain decrease in quality of a food among those who lost a quantity of teeth.