

The first-ever rope-way on solar batteries


A special attention of skiers and snowboarders has involved small Alpine with the city of Tenna where there was more recently the first-ever rope-way working on solar energy.

In the Swiss city of Tenna (the population of 112 persons) which accepts some decades fans of winter sports has been  sounded to force new rope-way to work on energy of the sun.

However, calculations of engineers have shown that solar batteries which can be located on a roof of two stations of this pendant road, for its full provision of energy will not suffice. Therefore the decision to suspend the panel along a lift line was accepted. In total it has been established eighty two segments, which can turn after the sun to receive as much as possible sun rays.

Two months of operation of this system have shown that in a bright sunny day of the battery develop to 90000 watt at an o’clock, and it twice more than it is necessary for a rope-way for high-grade work. Surplus of energy leaves in the small town Tenna electric system. Moreover, in this lift one more rather important function for those who uses it is added. Seats in it are equipped by the heating doing a trip on this rope-way comfortable and warm even in the coldest days of year.