

Scientists have learnt to erase unpleasant memoirs an electricity


Neurobiologists from Holland, to Spain and Germany established that electroconvulsive therapy can be used for deleting of unpleasant memoirs at patients with a depression. Research was conducted on 42 volunteers who passed depression treatment by means of electroconvulsive therapy. During experiment to patients at first showed two series of slides on which it was represented either accident, or physical attack on the person. After a while part of volunteers asked to remember one of series, showing some separate photos. At once after that electroconvulsive therapy was carried out. Next day scientists by means of dough checked how participants of experiment remembered the events shown in two series of photos. It appeared that that series which volunteers remembered just before therapy, they practically forgot. However memories of other series of photos thus remained untouched. It is interesting that when the test carried out not next day, and all through an hour and a half after therapy, memoirs didn't manage to disappear yet. It, according to scientists, says that disappearance of memoirs is connected with violation of a rekonsolidation of memory. By a rekonsolidation mean fixing of reminiscence which each time when this reminiscence is drawn occurs. A large number of data specifies that this process demands synthesis of new proteins therefore can't be instant. If the rekonsolidation is carried out against blockade of proteinaceous synthesis, it can carry out to reminiscence deleting. Probably, electroconvulsive therapy in this case led to synthesis blocking just as before it it was possible to achieve by means of chemical inhibitors. In the latter case the scientists working with rats, used inhibitor M-dzeta ZIP (zeta inhibitory peptide). How exactly it works, scientists up to the end don't understand.