
Russian scientists have brought humanity closer to eternal youth

The scientists of Moscow State University presented the results of the two-year work dedicated to the study of cell nutrition mechanisms. The goal of the project is to create a series of drugs that will contribute to the renewal of the intracellular structure. Dozens of chemical compounds, hundreds of herbs, as well as the characteristics of Astrakhan camels and bears of the Tver Reserve were studied. The researchers succeeded in creating a screening system for autophagy activators, which helps to understand what mechanisms affect longevity.

As the press service of Moscow State University informed, the main problem of man and his evolutionary predecessors during the millennia was lack of food. And our organisms have learned to save competently. But it is necessary to understand that cells, like all "mechanisms", wear out. At the same time, each cell has a self-renewal mechanism. First of all, it is manifested as autophagy, when the intracellular "machines" themselves eat the unnecessary parts and create new cells. This process can be stimulated by both natural and synthetic substances.

The joint project of MSU and "EFKO" has developed innovative drugs that promote autophagy and renewal of intracellular structures. It is about the controllable prolongation of the physiological youth of the cells. Scientists are trying to get rid of "oldness" in human cells.

The researchers searched for self-renewal activators in several directions. They have created chimera-compounds that can initiate the re-digestion of damaged cells, mitochondria. They tested the ability to induce autophagy in 14,000 chemical compounds through a computer study. They checked the substances that live in the intestines of animals and can withstand long-term hunger. For example, Astrakhan's camel and bear. And finally, they checked hundreds of herbs and spices that can renew the cells.

Many interesting discoveries have been made. The most promising of them still need to be tested on animal models, fish, mice, when the satiety gene leptin was turned off with the help of genome editing carried out at MSU," said Pyotr Sergiev, director of the Institute of Functional Genomics of MSU.

Sergey Ivanov, Executive Director of "EFKO" company, said that for two years, together with the scientists of Moscow State University, they have been researching the autophagy control processes of human cells in order to increase the speed of formation of new intracellular structures. The obtained results confirmed the initial hypotheses. Our project, he said, gives hope to rethink our ideas about health.