
Researchers  have recreated the image of a woman who lived 45 thousand years ago with the help of the latest technologies

In 1950, archaeologists discovered a cracked skull in the Czech Republic. Because the skull was split in half, the researchers concluded that the skeletal remains belonged to two different people. However, several decades later, after sequencing the genome, scientists came to the conclusion that the skull belonged to a single person, a woman, who lived 45,000 years ago.

The researchers named it "woman-Zlatý kůň", which means "golden horse" in Czech.

Further analysis of his DNA showed that he had about 3% of Neanderthals in his genome.

"The interesting information about the skull is that it was gnawed by some animal after the death of the woman," Cicero Moraes, co-author of the study, told Live Science. "This animal could be a wolf or a hyena," he said.