
Scientists have compiled a comprehensive "atlas" of the human brain

Scientists have compiled the largest and most comprehensive "atlas" of the human brain ever created.
The researchers' scientific paper describes in detail the location and inner workings of 3,300 types of brain cells, only a small part of which was previously known to science. The work consisting of 21 articles was published in three journals: Science, Science Advances and Science Translational Medicine.
"It's not just an atlas," Ed Lane, a neurobiologist at the Allen Institute for Brain Sciences and lead author of five papers, told MIT Technology Review in an interview which was usually impossible in the past.'
The research was conducted as part of a National Institutes of Health project known as the Brain Research for Innovative Neurotechnologies Initiative (BRAIN).
Launched in 2017, the Cell Census Network, or BICCN, is a large-scale project aimed at mapping cells found in the brains of mice, humans and primates such as monkeys.