
What awaits us in the technological future?New medicine and education

Will we see space tourists, quantum computers, smart cities, the dominance of artificial intelligence in the coming years, or maybe years from now such assumptions will make readers laugh because the above will be commonplace phenomena. These are questions to which the answers are very controversial. for some, these technologies are already simple and it is necessary to simply operate them, and for others - movies and fairy tales about fantasy.
In any case, it should be noted that in recent years, technologies have made dramatic progress, and once crazy ideas are now a reality. Let's try to answer one of the most relevant questions: what awaits us in the future?
We live in a world of rapid technological development and we can no longer imagine our lives without gadgets and programs that make our lives easier and more comfortable. And just 10 years ago, we could not even imagine that artificial intelligence will help us in work or study.
So, what new technologies have been created to change the entire world, and at the same time, the lives of each of us? A few simple examples:

Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science that deals with the development of intelligent computer systems, that is, systems that have the capabilities that we traditionally associate with the human mind: the ability to understand language, learn, reason, solve problems, etc.
Artificial intelligence, for example, can create new original content. Using the program, you can create new products in the fields of medicine, engineering, design, architecture, literature, and more. AI works by processing large amounts of information, producing brand new products that have never been seen before. But for this it must be properly configured and even trained. Artificial intelligence can even create medicine for some diseases.

Stable data center

This is a technology designed to reduce the load on power systems because computers require a lot of electricity and produce a lot of heat. Data centers can make data processing environmentally friendly without consuming electricity. This involves using water to dissipate excess heat. Special technologies have also been developed that redirect heat to heat buildings or industrial processes.

Useful artificial viruses

These are viruses designed to treat humans, animals and plants. They are introduced into the human body, viruses look for disease-causing bacteria and neutralize them. Such beneficial bacteria will help fight dangerous pathogens that are difficult to control with medication.

Metaspace for mental health

This is a selection of video games and software that help treat mental disorders and restore mental health. After all, the rapid development of the modern world burdens the psyche, which is sometimes very difficult for people. Therefore, the problem of people's unstable mental state is very common today. And thanks to such games, you can overcome depression and anxiety.

Plant sensors

Such sensors have been developed to stimulate the active growth and development of plants. In this way, the productivity of agriculture can be increased. These devices monitor air temperature, soil moisture and nutrient levels to help improve crop yields. Such a sensor will reduce the use of water and fertilizers, as well as prevent plant diseases.

Economics of creators

Social networks and the ability to create content online have created a new economy, the economy of creators. Experts are confident that the trend of expanding online content creation tools will continue. There will be ways to create content more easily and quickly. The number of friendly communities on the Internet will increase.

Susan Daniels, YouTube's global head of original content, is confident there will be more to see on the web as the quantity and quality of content people produce on the platform has grown dramatically over the past two years.

Spatial omics

This new development is designed to study the human body, animals and plants more thoroughly. The technology can reflect the entire biological process of living organisms at the molecular level. This will allow us to better study and study the workings of living organisms.

Ecological fuel for aviation

This fuel is designed to protect the environment from pollution. One of its components is environmentally friendly hydrogen, which reduces greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere by 95% compared to jet fuel. Therefore, this fuel is very important for long-distance flights, as it can completely replace airplane fuel.

Flexible batteries

The battery, which is made of flexible types of metal, can have any shape. It can bend, twist and even stretch. Flexible batteries are used in portable medical equipment, biometric sensors and smart watches. This battery will make any device convenient and compact.

Neural Flexible Electronics

This new development is designed to remove assistive devices and help a person control their gadgets using their mind. In the near future, we will be able to use computers without a mouse and keyboard, and connect any device without a sensor or sound. The devices will simply communicate with our mind, the neural system will give commands, and the gadgets will execute them.

Medical artificial intelligence

Such artificial intelligence will facilitate and speed up the work of doctors, making it more accurate. Medical intelligence is able to notice details that doctors cannot determine. With the help of AI, it will be possible to make an accurate diagnosis, prescribe the right treatment and prevent diseases.
It is only now that technology has begun to mature enough to take on the task of increasing the efficiency of humans rather than conventional machines. According to the United Nations, during the last five years, the human potential index has increased by an average of 0.6% per year, which is very little. It suddenly became apparent that with such population growth and education and medical levels, it is nearly impossible to sustain GDP growth, even with good technology growth and sufficient capital in the market.

The evolution of technology consists of three directions.

self-learning - continuous learning without human assistance,
self-awareness - performance of tasks based on common sense, without prior programming,
self-service - access to technology for everyone.
Some experts point out that artificial intelligence has great potential for solving global problems related to epidemics, emergencies and environmental problems.
It remains to assume that future technologies can significantly change our lives. We will see more autonomous cars, robots and IoT related devices.
Artificial intelligence and quantum computing will help us solve complex problems faster and more accurately. Biotechnology and virtual reality will be used in medicine and other fields. We live in exciting times and the future has never been more exciting. It remains to be understood how ready we are for it.