

Juice of sprouts of wheat deduces toxins from all bodies


Tհe wheat grass juice is famous as a natural therapy very effective against cancer. Drink wheat grass juice helps your body make more red blood cells which carry oxygen to every cell. With the increase in oxygenation in the body, you can balance the smog and carbon monoxide and increase your stamina during exercise. Wheat grass is a living food full of vitamins and enzymes and probably the freshest food you will have throughout the day, especially in the winter.

One ounce of wheatgrass juice can compare in vitamins, minerals and amino acids to be in that 2 ½ pounds of green leafy vegetables. Wheat grass is one of the richest sources of vitamin A, B Complex, B-17, C, E and K. It is also one of the best sources of calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, cobalt, zinc, sulfur and 17 other forms of amino acids and enzymes.

Chlorophyll is the base of the plant life, and is more than 70% of solid content of wheat grass juice. Chlorophyll molecules are very similar to the red blood cells and build up the blood flow, which counteracts anemia, reduces the risk of cancer and also cleanses the body.

Wheat grass is considered to be a wonderful source of nutrients. Chlorophyll has been shown to be able to create an atmosphere for the development of undesirable bacteria in the body and as a result, increases the body's battle against disease. Due to its fibrous nature, it is not impossible to swallow humans, can be ingested only a liquid form.

Wheat grass is known for his ability to undo scars formed in the lungs and wash drug deposits in the body, purifies the body and balanced acids and toxins in the body. Helps increase the level of enzymes in our cells, helping to improve the metabolism of nutrients in the body, these enzymes help to dissolve tumors.

Wheat grass is now recognized as an excellent dietary supplement. It is a concentrated source of vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll and enzymes.

An excellent way to increase the amount of dark green leafy vegetables in the diet is to drink wheatgrass juice cool (at this early stage in the life of the plant, it is considered a vegetable rather than a grain, and is safe for those who are sensitive to gluten).

Fifteen pounds of wheatgrass is equivalent to 350 pounds of any vegetable. Processing through the extractor allows release of nutrients in vegetables and fruits, concentrating them and making them more bioavailable to the body's cells.

Wheat grass has been known for its ability to quickly rebuild red blood cells after ingestion. It normalizes blood pressure and stimulates growth of tissues.

The wheat grass juice is extracted directly from the wheat grass fresh and organically grown. It is a powerful natural healer because it creates an unfavorable climate for the growth of bacteria. The main component of wheat germ is the chlorophyll, contains more than one hundred (100) including all mineral elements known to man, vitamins A, B, C, D and E. In one ounce of wheat you can get enough vital energy to restore your body of any disease, promoting youth and healthy living.

Wheat grass helps to: Provide more energy, strengthens the immune system, prolong life, protects against environmental pollution, purifies the blood, stimulates circulation DNA regenerates, protects against free radicals, provides nutrients and rejuvenates, deodorizes and cleanses the body releasing toxins.

Wheat grass is used to aid in health problems associated with: The lungs, liver and colon problems, high blood pressure, cancer, digestion, arthritis, Alzheimers, depression, migraine, candida, ulcers, chronic fatigue, heart disease, ear pain, allergies, diarrhea, thyroid, throat problems, sinusitis, obesity, skin problems, maintains the natural color hair, removes and neutralizes the toxins from the body, tones the body, etc..