Dates, events, facts


Israel plans to pass to electromobiles. There will be  half-millions setting-up devices. The offered model can pass about 150 km., which is satisfactory for a small country.



The human brain reaches limiting capacity at 22 years and remains in such condition for 5 years. Since 27 years begins gradual fading and first of all suffer planning and systemizing possibilities. According to the American scientists, increases the knowledge, life experience.



Biologists have found out in human  saliva an anaesthetising substance which in 3-6 times surpasses the morphy.





The Swedish doctors have created a vaccine against smoking. After an inoculation the immune system starts to develop antibodies to nicotine, that has no influence and the smoker stops to smoke.



Laces for shoes have invented in 1790 in England. Before shoes were clasped by means of cuff links.