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1. Brown rice
It will help to lower cholesterol level, to reduce risk of cardiovascular diseases, a cancer of a rectum, stones in a bilious bubble, a diabetes and adiposity, it also the vital intestines for health which becomes with the years less active.

2. Eggs
About eggs often respond badly, but they are a source of fiber which protects eyes from a cataract. Researches give the basis to believe, that they prevent formation of blood clots, reducing risk of a heart attack and a stroke.

3. Milk
With the years our requirement in кальции increases, therefore it is important to include products rich with calcium in a daily diet. Fat-free cow milk is very useful for health. It is rich with the calcium necessary for bones and preventive maintenance of an osteoporosis. Drink daily two glasses of skim milk or include in the diet fat-free yoghurts and fruit rich with calcium.

4. Spinach
In this product there are more than nutrients, than in any the friend. It is a source of iron, vitamins C, A and K and the antioxidants helping us to be protected from a heart attack and a stroke. Spinach protects from a cancer of a rectum, an osteoporosis and arthritises. As well as eggs, it is rich лютеином, useful to eyes so eat for a breakfast of egg with spinach.

5. Bananas
Only one yellow fruit contains 467 mg калия which is necessary that muscles (especially warm) remained strong and healthy. It also helps to lower arterial pressure. Bananas are also a source of the fibre preventing cardiovascular diseases, they will neutralise acid so are useful to heartburn treatment. Add the cut banana in porridge or pound it in a blender with yoghurt or milk and a small amount of fruit juice. Sources калия are also lentil, sardines and dried apricots.

6. Chicken meat
This most healthy meat. Use грудки in which there is not enough fat, and skin. Besides, the hen is rich with fibers and prevents decrease in weight of bones. It also a source of the selenium preventing a cancer, and the vitamins of group B raising level of energy and strengthening work of a brain.

7. A salmon
It is rich with group fats omega-3, reducing the cholesterol level, protecting from some kinds of a cancer and preventing formation of blood clots. Researches show, that the salmon facilitates depressions and prevents memory loss. It contains nicotinic acid which, according to some information, protects from an Alzheimer's disease. Set to itself a problem is a fresh or tinned salmon 3 times a week are not more rare. Group fats omega-3 contain also in walnuts.

8. A bilberry
In this small miracle the weight of nutrients is a little calories, but. The bilberry contains the antioxidants, helping to prevent a cataract, a glaucoma, expansion of veins, a hemorrhoids, a stomach ulcer, cardiovascular diseases and a cancer. The bilberry helps to reduce infringements of activity of a brain after a stroke and softens an inflammation of a digestive path, helping to cope with diarrheas.

9. Grasses
With the years at us the feeling of taste becomes dull, and it is the most easier to add salts that the meal seemed is more tasty. But salt raises arterial pressure, and it is better to add in grass and spice food. Taste of fresh grasses is stronger, but for the sake of convenience it is possible to hold assortment of dried grasses on kitchen.

10. Garlic
This small bulb has big advantages. Garlic helps to prevent a cancer and cardiovascular diseases, reduces risk of a stroke. It also possesses anti-inflammatory action, helping to reduce a pain and hypostases at arthritises. It is useful also to diabetics. If you do not take out its smell, use garlick capsules.




1. Sweets - they will force you to type weight, but there are no useful substances. Limit sugar consumption.

2. Salt - it raises pressure.

3. Alcohol - do not drink more than 2 portions of alcohol in day, it contains many calories and prevents to acquire vitamins. The most healthy variant is red wine.

04. The sated fats - they promote to increase weight.