

Scientists have found a way to relieve mankind from a headache


Not the tablets but the innovative device similar to spectacles relieve a man from a headache. The device was thought up by the Belgian scientists who assert, that it will help to get rid even of the strongest attacks of a migraine for about 20 minutes.

According to the experts it operates extremely simply: it transmit impulses special electric impulses, directing them to the eye nerve which is responsible for a pain in a head and eyes. Impulses weaken a nerve, and the head stops to be ill.

Efficiency of new treating means was tested on  67 volunteers. Within three months each of them needed to put on a rim for 2 months.  The research found out, that those who have carried a rim, suffered from a headache three times less than usually.The number of patients at which migraine attacks were reduced to more than 50 %. The device has already a name – Cefaly.