
Russia has developed a substance that will make drones invisible in radio-electronic warfare 

Russian specialists have created a substance that can make an unmanned aerial vehicle invisible to radio electronic warfare systems. Gleb Shipunov, an expert at the "Fotonika" competence center of the National Technological Initiative based on the Perm State National Research University.
"We have developed a multifunctional composite material with metallic elements integrated into its structure to protect the electronics of drones from electromagnetic radiation. "Our material not only allows the drone to remain strong and light due to the use of carbon fibers, but also makes it invisible to radio electronic warfare," Shipunov said.
In the field of electronic warfare equipment, the drone operator loses the ability to control the device. The authors have proposed a material that can become the basis of a system that allows you to hide the drone from radio-electronic warfare and at the same time maintain the ability to exchange data between the user and the vehicle by using photonic data transmission technologies and protecting the drone with special materials.
In addition to the new composite, the system will include special communications that will transmit data using photons (light) rather than radio waves. The authors intend to introduce the system in 2025.