
Regular brushing protects against strokes and heart attacks


They have found the most compelling evidence yet that cleaning and flossing helps to combat bacteria that can cause hardening of the arteries. It means that those who brush their teeth for two minutes twice a day can dramatically slash their risk of developing heart disease or suffering a stroke.

Researchers from Columbia University studied the link between gum health and atherosclerosis – a potentially serious condition where the arteries are clogged with fatty substances, such as cholesterol.

Over the three-year study, the researchers found the more gum health improved among their volunteer patients, the healthier their arteries became.

Atherosclerosis is usually the cause of heart illness and strokes. It is thought the bacteria that builds up in teeth can lead to clots in the arteries and cause heart attacks.

The potential link between what goes on in your mouth and the health of your heart has been an intense topic of debate for some time. This research clearly shows the more you improve and maintain your gum health, the less chance there is of developing a potential life-threatening illness. Research has shown that poor dental hygiene and bleeding gums can allow up to 700 types of bacteria to enter the bloodstream.