
Scientists have thought up a new calendar 


As to the Gregoryan calendar, which we now use and it  changes from year to year, some researchers from John Hopkins's University have thought up a new calendar in which annual displacement of days of week is cleaned. Calendar Henka-Henry is made in such a manner that each period in 12 months is identical to the previous. It means, that your birthday will be  every year at the same day of the week.
The reconstructed calendar will help not only to change a way of calculation of days, but also would become useful for economy.
Calendar Henka-Henry consists of the same 12 months. Every quarter consists of  91 days, two months on 30 and one - 31 day. It means that March, June, September and December would have 31, all the others for 30 days. The calendar has preserved the 7 days of the week including the rest-days. The scientists consider that the calendar Henka-Henry will be in use since January, 1st, 2017.