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Why are only 4 color passports issued  in the world?

Only 4 color passports are issued worldwide, and each country has its own reasons for choosing one of the cover colors for the most important document.  

It is the most common color. A red or burgundy passport is issued in countries with a communist past or present, such as Slovenia, China, Serbia, Russia, Latvia, Romania, Poland, Georgia.
EU member states, except Croatia, use a dark red passport with a "burgundy" cover. 

It is next in terms of prevalence. This color symbolizes the "new world". 15 Caribbean countries also issue blue passports. In South American countries, this color of the passport symbolizes the connection with the "Mercosur" trade union. The trading union countries are Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, as well as Venezuela, where, however, the passports are red.

Passports of most Muslim countries are green, such as Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan. Green is considered to be the favorite color of Prophet Muhammad. Citizens of most African countries have passports in different shades of green.

This is the rarest color. Citizens of a number of African countries have passports of this color: Botswana, Zambia, Burundi, Gabon, Angola, Chad, Congo, Malawi. New Zealanders also have a black passport because it is the national color of New Zealand.