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Can virtual contact completely replace the real one?

In our time, technologies take us into the virtual world, sometimes almost completely replacing the real one. This trend also applies to our contacts. The Internet has replaced our communication with each other. Scientists have tried to find out how much these changes have affected our consciousness and whether there is a difference between live and virtual contact, Newswise wrote.
Yale University scientist Joy Hirsch and her colleagues used modern tools to see how our brain works during conversation. They observed how the brains of two people work during a face-to-face conversation, then compared the conversation on Zoom. The results were very different, "Focus" reported.
Why is it so? In real life, our brain is constantly sending signals through the face: smile, raised eyebrows. Those signals say a lot about what our interlocutor is feeling. Hirsch's team created special tools that allowed to follow the activity of the brain during live contact.
They noticed that the brain does not react as strongly during Zoom contact as during face-to-face conversation.
Hirsch believes that real contact is an important factor in our social behavior. Online conversations just don't provide our brains with such a rich experience. That doesn't mean we should completely abandon Zoom.
Although technology allows us to communicate in incredible ways, nothing compares to good old-fashioned live contact when it comes to how our brains really work. The next time you feel like you're missing personal contact, know that your brain wants to be at 100 percent.