
The invention of the Armenian scientist was awarded a gold certificate at the international exhibition-competition

The new method of preparing concrete is a new word in the field of construction, which creates an opportunity for interesting and economically beneficial solutions for builders. This invention of Professor Vardges Grigoryan, Head of the Chair of the National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia (NAAU) (NAU) was awarded a gold certificate at the third international exhibition-competition of inventors with IFIA NV status.
"The essence of this invention is the method of preparing concrete without sand, as a result of which a new type of light concrete is obtained , which has heat-insulating and sound-insulating properties. Essentially, when the drum of the concrete mixer rotates, the weak ends of the concrete are lifted up into the sand. the longer the drum rotates, the more sand will increase due to the wear of the gravel surface. The dust particles generated during the rotation close the pores on the surface of the clay, maintaining the normal state of the internal pores. This type of concrete is used particularly in the constructions of the external walls of the building," explained Vardges Grigoryan, the author of the invention.
The brainchild of an Armenian scientist can be applied not only by Armenians, but also by the builders of the world, because the issue of energy saving has become a major problem even in developed countries. According to the builders, the application of this concrete will create quite effective opportunities for solving the primary problem of thermal insulation of buildings, reducing heat losses.
The 3rd International Inventions and Innovations Competition for inventors with IFIA NV status organized by FIAI was held online in Geneva, Switzerland.
In the same international competition held recently in Nuremberg, Germany, it became clear that the invention of "Preparation of reinforced concrete structures by mortar injection" created by the professor of the National Academy of Sciences in the 2000s, which was practically used for the restoration of damaged buildings in the earthquake zone and also for the preparation of reinforced concrete structures, was awarded is a silver medal.
In the press release of the press secretary of the Armenian Academy of Sciences, Jasmen Vilian, it is mentioned that Armenia, represented by the National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, joined IFIA in the spring of 2023 as a full member.
"The Armenian representative office of IFIA has already received a number of scientific proposals that are under study. Apparently, this organization can become a solid platform for the development of Armenian scientific potential.
The development of science and the activation of scientific research activities at the university is one of the strategic directions of the University and is in the center of attention of the rector of the university, Yeghiazar Vardanyan. For this purpose, laboratory equipment is constantly being modernized, cooperations are being expanded, establishing new connections with the international scientific mind," the message says.
