
Artificial intelligence without regulation can lead to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

The field of artificial intelligence (AI) offers great opportunities for humanity, but if AI is not regulated, it can make it easier for criminals to create weapons of mass destruction. Prime Minister of Great Britain Rishi Sunak announced this.
"I truly believe that technologies like artificial intelligence will have the same far-reaching effects as the Industrial Revolution, electrification and the advent of the Internet. As with previous advances in technology, AI will bring new knowledge and new opportunities for economic growth, expanding human capabilities and offering the hope of solving problems that were previously beyond our reach. But artificial intelligence also brings new threats and fears," said the Prime Minister of Great Britain in his speech about the development of artificial intelligence in London.
"If mishandled, artificial intelligence can facilitate the creation of chemical or biological weapons. Terrorist groups can use artificial intelligence to sow fear and destruction on a larger scale. Criminals can use AI for cyber attacks, disinformation and fraud. And the most unlikely and extreme scenarios show that there is a danger that humanity can completely lose control of intelligence," said Sunak.
He emphasized that the British government does not intend to legislate on artificial intelligence at this stage, but wants to better "understand and assess the safety of artificial intelligence models", and therefore the authorities are 100 million pounds ($120 million) allocated to create the working group, which will include "the most respected and literate figures in the world of artificial intelligence". Sunak also announced that Great Britain will create the world's first AI security institute.