
New "Stonehendge"


A group of scientists of the Royal museum of a province of Ontario (Canada) has found remains of an ancient stone construction which reminds the British Stonehendge in Syria, writes “The Independent“.

According to preliminary analysis, the finds concern to the  Near-Eastern neolith for 8500-4300 years BC.

However, more exact dating, more detailed research is necessary which the command of researchers from Canada could not carry out. According to Mason, it is because of  the Syrian military base which is located nearby. To secure himself, the researcher even took with him a local monk.

The scientists notice that the structure found in Syria can be not a unique object in the Near East. The scientists managed to find out  some other stone constructions, including ring and pyramidal form, in the territory of Jordan and Israel. However, the archeologists persist that all these openings are not enough studied by the experts till now.

However, to change this situation the nearest scientific researches will help. In summer of 2010 a group of experts will go to monastery Deyr Mar Мusa al-Habashi.