
The magnetic pole of the Earth … moves to Siber ia  


Geologists have established that the speed of moving of a magnetic field of the Earth has reached record values for all time - 64 kilometers a year, informs National Geographic. Thus the pole moves in the direction of Siberia.

The scientists  have revealed for the first time a magnetic pole at the beginning of XIX century: as it has appeared, it settles down in Canada near Ellesmere island. At the beginning of XX century it was found out that the pole gradually migrates, and speed of its movement has gradually grown from 15 kilometers to 55-60.

According to the researchers, the pole movement is caused by dynamics of movement of a liquid metal kernel in planet. The researchers underline that similar processes, theoretically, can lead to change of polarity of a magnetic field of the Earth. Similar events repeatedly have occurred in the past.

Recently scientists have offered a new method of drawing up of a map of a magnetic field of the Earth. They   offer to pump up the atoms of sodium which are settling down at height of 50-80 kilometers. Electromagnetic radiation from atoms is offered to be registered by means of a special chamber. The new technology will allow to receive a magnetic field map on scales of 10-100 kilometers.