
China company manufactures bizarre flying cars

China’s AeroHT company, which manufactures air vehicles, has presented two unusual concepts. The first is a hybrid-electric "aircraft carrier" with six wheels, and the second is a new version of a supercar that can fly, Techcult reported.
The "land aircraft carrier" looks like a car with six wheels and a body. It has a special system that ensures the takeoff and landing of a two-seater multicopter. This vehicle can be successfully used in rescue operations, or be a fun toy for wealthy customers.
The second concept has a folding system of four bolts made of carbon fiber in the built-in roof. They can be opened when necessary for the vehicle to fly. We are not talking about a computer model, but a really existing prototype. But experts, assessing this project, doubt its practicality; this vehicle may be too heavy to fly long distances.