
The Russian scientists have researched the poison of snakes, bees, spiders and scorpions and found out  some peptides. On the basis of these peptides it is possible to make anesthetic drugs.


English genetics have created a new  sort of tomatoe which black. It is rich in dark vegetative pigment. This pigment we can see in a bilberry, black grapes, a blackberry and a currant. These substances neutralized destructive action of free radicals, improve sight, considerably slow down growth of some tumours, protect from cardiovascular illnesses. Experiences on the mice which are often are sick with cancer, have shown, that a feed by usual tomatoes has prolonged a life of sick mice from 142 days up to 146, and the mice eaten tomatoes of a black grade, have lived on the average for 182 days. Usual healthy laboratory mice live till 211 days, and at consumption of black tomatoes - up to 260.