
Technological support to farmers. "Electric Shepherds" in Frontier Shield

The development of the village derives from the interests of the city, and the introduction of new technologies contributes to the reduction of worries and to alleviating the difference between the development of the capital and the regions. Villagers living in remote marzes, especially border guards, are convinced of this. It is not easy to engage in animal husbandry in Vahan village of Gegharkunik region. the geographical location of the village dictates its own rules. Leaving cattle on the pasture carries risks. upon crossing the state border, it becomes impossible to return the animals. To avoid all that, farmers have to either follow the animals all day, or look for a hired laborer to take them to the pasture for a considerable amount of money.
Farmer Pavel Balyan calculated the amount of material damage he suffered over the years. On an annual basis, it amounts to half a million drams. Thanks to the joint project of Viva-MTS and the Fund for the Conservation of Wildlife and Cultural Values ​​(FPWC), which emphasizes the introduction of new technologies in the regions, his worries have been eased, his hopes have been justified. there were no losses, and there was no need to monitor the animals around the clock. Cattle control is now carried out with the help of "electric herders".
"I suffered a loss of up to 500,000 drams a year, but thanks to this, I won't suffer either. I lost six cows in a few years, one last year. One item has crossed the border. "Electric Shepherd" is very easy to care for. First, the cattle do not go to the neighbor's field, they stay in the same area. I come to the pasture, I don't look for where he got lost, where did he go, did he cross the border or did he stay, did the wolves eat him at night? There was a keeper, I had to pay for that person to keep my cattle. I have ten calves, I should have spent 30,000 drams per month, but I don't. Now the "electric shepherd" is taking care of it, and I am quietly engaged in my other affairs. They came, they stuck, the current hit them, they went back. Now they have already learned. they come, as soon as they see the wire, they go back, they don't even stick. They have already learned that it is their harm, they don't even come close," says Pavel Balyan.
An electric fence operates at high voltage but low amperage. As a result, the animals are not physically harmed, but feeling unpleasant, they no longer approach the fenced areas. Farmers consider the joint program of Viva-MTS and the Foundation for Conservation of Wildlife and Cultural Values ​​(FPWC) effective. The real result of this is to practice animal husbandry without losing animals. The ability to move mobile "electric shepherds" from place to place and quickly fence a new area allows, if desired, to change the pasture of animals.
The Viva-MTS strategy of keeping the border villages in the center of attention has been felt in Vahan since 2008. that year there was a need to build a gas pipeline in the village.
Later in 2014, a solar water heater was installed in the village's kindergarten in collaboration with the Wildlife and Cultural Conservation Foundation (FPWC). And already in 2015 and 2016, works were carried out in the direction of lighting the village. A light emitting diode (LED) system with 94 lamps for external lighting was installed. As a result of the implementation of the projects, an area with a length of about 2700 m was illuminated.
The leading telecom operator of Armenia is guided by the principle of not separating business interest and responsibility.
Viva-MTS (MTS Armenia CJSC) is Armenia's leading mobile operator with the most extensive network and provides a wide range of voice and data services throughout Armenia. Taking the basis of activity to serve the interests of its subscribers in the best way, from the day of its establishment in 2005. since July 1, Viva-MTS has been able to create a nationwide network and a large subscriber base in a short period of time. Viva-MTS is a leader in innovation and pursues all industry developments for the benefit of the country's mobile telecommunications market. Viva-MTS is guided in its activities by ISO 26000 - Social Responsibility, ISO/IEC 27001:2013 - Information Security Management System, as well as ISO 37001 - anti-corruption and bribery prevention international standards. 

 About the "Network of Ecovillages" project

The network of ecovillages includes villages from all over Armenia, where projects aimed at restoring the social, cultural, economic and natural environment are implemented through local participatory processes.
At the core of the ecovillage concept is the integration of four dimensions of sustainability: environmental, economic, cultural and social through participatory and comprehensive design. The project is a new format of long-term cooperation between the Foundation for the Conservation of Wildlife and Cultural Values ​​(FPWC), Viva-MTS and the World Network of Ecovillages in the field of environmental protection and sustainable use of natural resources.

About FPWC

The Foundation for Conservation of Wildlife and Cultural Heritage (FPWC) has been operating since 2002. FPWC has been a member of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) since 2012.
Our mission is to raise public awareness about the importance of preserving Armenia's unique natural heritage and biodiversity, environmental issues and nature conservation. We aim to reduce the risk of extinction of endangered species of fauna and flora by reducing human-wildlife conflict and its consequences.
Biodiversity conservation, environmental education, community development and public awareness are at the core of our activities.